Veritas is making a difference to the people of Ukraine!

It all begins June 1st!

Follow us as we hear from Jon, Missy, & Isaac. Remember to pray for them as they travel to Ukraine! They will be on a house-building team, so pray for supplies, safety, and success.

In addition, pray for the people they are serving and interacting with—that God would perform His marvelous wonders and that the people would know His love, grace, and forgiveness.

Friday, May 31 - Saturday, June 1

Greetings Brothers and Sisters from somewhere over Norway! Missy, Isaac and I caught our first flight out of Chicago on Friday afternoon, May 31, and are headed to Warsaw, Poland (about an eight-hour flight.) After a short layover, our second flight will take us to Chișinău, Moldova—located on the southwestern border of Ukraine. Lord willing, we’ll arrive there on Saturday evening, June 1. We will sleep there and then meet up with our YWAM (Youth With A Mission) team on Sunday morning, June 2.

We’re excited to meet our teammates from all over the world that we will be working and fellowshipping with all week! Once we huddle up, we’ll have an eight-hour van ride to our work area in the Mykolaiv region. For a point of reference, the city of Mykolaiv (located in the region of Mykolaiv) is on the west side of the Dnipro River, with Russian forces occupying pretty much everything east of the River. 

William Carey, the father of modern missions, who set sail for India from England in 1793, was moved by the vision of a great and triumphant God. A vision like what we can read in Psalms 47:6-7, “Sing praises to our King, sing praises! For God is the King of all the earth.” He said that the vision must come first. Savoring it in worship precedes spreading it in missions. All of history is moving toward one great goal, the white-hot worship of God and his Son among all the peoples of the earth. Missions is not that goal. It is the means. And for that reason it is the second greatest human activity in the world. 

I am told missions is not God’s ultimate goal, worship is. And when this sinks into a person’s heart, everything changes. The world is often turned on its head, and everything looks different—including the missionary enterprise. I am praying this for me, Missy, Isaac and you this morning! May our thoughts of God be so full of our love for him and his greatness and his being our triumphant King for all eternity that we can’t help but be moved to tell others! 

Warmest Regards in Christ,

Jon (on behalf of Missy and Isaac)

Sunday, June 2

Electricity Off to Conserve Energy

Ivan shares his story: through his rough English and Isaac’s translation by the light of a cell phone. He shared how his faith had been strengthened even though his family had to hide in a bomb shelter for 14-days in 2022 at the start of the war - just praying he, his wife, his grandma and his two children would survive. He lost more than a dozen friends - both those who were soldiers and civilian casualties.

New Friends from Ukraine: Tolic & Ivan

Orientation Meeting

Daily Schedule

Waiting to Head Out

On Our Way!

Monday, June 3- Tuesday, June 4

Good morning Veritas Dubuque! I’m sitting in our van with Missy and Isaac and about eight others - waiting to head to our job site for our second day of work. 

Yesterday was a great (and hot!) day of work. We were assigned to a village outside of Mykolaiv that has been greatly damaged by war. We were tasked with building a “community center” - an approximately 18 x 20 foot multi-purpose structure. Right next to our job site are two schools that have both been completely destroyed - the original village school, and then its replacement. (See the video below Isaac took of the school.) The long range goal is to build and love and pour into the village in hopes of seeing the Lord revitalize life there! 

Although we were exhausted, we joined in a worship night with folks from all over the world. As he so often does, the Lord encouraged and lifted our spirits as we worshipped him as a group! I wrote down the chorus of the songs we sang:

Be enthroned upon the praises of a thousand generations

You are worthy Lord of all

Unto You the slain and risen King we lift our voice with Heaven

Singing worthy Lord of all

This morning we gathered for breakfast and then a devotion. We were encouraged from scripture and then with a challenge: “It’s not enough to give a home, we must love the person.” In a slightly different context, it is not enough for us in Dubuque to “give a home” (as in a church home). We need to be present on Sunday mornings - and during the week as we follow-up with others - and love people by sharing our love for King Jesus!

June 5-June 6

Greetings from a small village in Ukraine! Missy, Isaac and I have been so blessed by the Lord’s provision to these people and this place. 

The area where we are working was occupied by the Russians for a time before the Ukrainian army fought back and reclaimed it. Sergei, the village leader, shared at length with our group how 700 residents were reduced to very few. His own home was destroyed (see photo below). His business disrupted. His family scattered. Beaten in front of his children and his execution threatened (twice.) He has remained in hopes of rebuilding. “God may have saved my life to build again.” We have prayed and encouraged him that God makes all things new in and through his son Jesus!. Revelation 21:5, “…Look, I am making everything new.” He also said, “Write, because these words are faithful and true.”

The impact of coming and being present with these hurting people - while seeking to provide comfort in the midst of their suffering - is significant. God is good! 

We also were blessed to meet Alona. Her home had been destroyed by a rocket, but she had been the recipient of a new home. She was so thankful as she shared and prayed with us. What a joy to see the Lord sustain her and send good news!

June 7-June 8

Missy, Isaac and I just passed through border security and out of Ukraine and into Moldova. We will overnight in Moldova and then catch a flight to Poland, and then onto Chicago (arriving Monday evening.)

The Lord was kind and our team of 12 was able to complete the Community Center in six-days of work. On Saturday afternoon we dedicated the building to several of the leaders in the area; we prayed for them and with them. Our prayer was that the building would be a rally point for new life—maybe administrative meetings as the city regroups after being destroyed—perhaps a place to start school again, or for a village social event of some sort. Wouldn't it be awesome if God worked so that people even gathered there to worship and praise him?

It is a simple cement building, but the Lord is at work and will use it to his glory! Psalm 96:3 says, "Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!” We were able to do this in several ways this week: with our teammates from all over the world (Stefan and Peter from Switzerland, George from Germany, Clay and Preeson from Colorado, Kody from Mexico, and Jeff & Tracy from Canada!) and also with a huge group that included local Ukrainian residents!

We met at Victory Church last night and sang and celebrated God's marvelous work in saving some people to Jesus this week and providing hope and a place of refuge for many others.

Veritas, your prayers and giving were tangibly felt, as our offerings toward Ukraine paid the full cost of one of the 21 houses and Community Center that were built this week! Dozens of children were loved on during kids’ programs, and many heard the gospel for the first time thanks to evangelism teams. Our church in Dubuque was blessed to come alongside Christians and churches from all over the world to share Jesus with the people of Ukraine.

Thank you Lord! Help us to continue to love you, love others, and give sacrificially because you're glorious and your works are marvelous!

See you all soon! Jon, Missy and Isaac

Sunday, June 2